First we went out front and sat in the sun. Camilla enjoyed it though she didnt like the harness much that day. She kept trying to pick it off!
Eventually she figured out she wasnt able to take it off and noticed there were alot of nice things around to eat! She loves trying new things.
Yes, that is kitty bum you see there in the background. Camilla is a brave girl and quite unafraid of cats (or any ohter animal for that matter!). This little lady doesnt have a regular name, we call her Kitten Meowings Sister. Shes a beauty.
Camilla was so relaxed and happy in the warm sun that she snuggled down in the grass and bathed. I love it when she bathes, its the cutest thing ever!
After her bath, I picked her up and we walked around a bit. We went to look at the cows and guess what? They were afraid of her!! I set her on the ground outside of their fence and every cow stared in wonderment. "What IS that thing??!!" they seemed to be saying. She meanwhile, just pecked around and didnt even seem to notice them.
After that, we headed over to Loki, my horse, and the stream. I asked Shane to set her on this little island in the stream. I thought she would look pretty there in the grass that grows on it and wanted a picture. But Shane thought it would be funny to put my poor lady out on the dam!
I was yelling "NO!" but he did it anyway. So there is my poor 'Milla, stranded out there on a rock! She just stood there looking around. Not a feather out of place. She looked rather amused! Not afraid at all! I was more frightened that she was!
The tough, brave lady didnt even get wet. She just stood on that rock and looked at everything. Shane didnt let her stay there long. I was fussing and didnt want her getting cold or worse, falling in! So he scooped her up and I brought her back inside. I did get a beautiful photo of her, my favorite of the day!
At 6:35 PM,
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